Investigating grid¶
Open a handle to a grid, and investigate the grid, like calculate the area of cells in grid, find the cell that includes a certain coordinate. After investigating the grid, close the handle to the grid.
The functionis in this group can be used for both structured grids and unstructured grids. The procedure to investigate grid is as below:
Open the grid contained in the CGNS file, and get the handle to the grid.
Investigate the grid by calling the functions in the group, with then handle as an argument.
After the investigation, close the grid with the handle.
Subroutine |
Remarks |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_open |
Opens the grid |
cg_iric_read_sol_grid2d_open |
Opens the grid in calculation result |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_close |
Closes the grid |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_cellarea |
Calculates and returns the area of a cell in the grid |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_findcell |
Find and returns the ID of the cell that includes the specified coordinates |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_cellnodecount |
Returns the number of nodes in the specified cell |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_interpolate |
Returns the information to interpolate the value at the specified coordinates, with the values defined at grid nodes |
cg_iric_read_grid2d_interpolatewithcell |
Returns the information to interpolate the value at the specified coordinates, with the values defined at grid nodes |
List 164 shows an example of investigating the grid.
1program TestX
2 use iric
3 implicit none
5 integer:: i, ok
6 integer:: fin, g_handle, ier
7 integer:: nodecount, cellnodecount,
8 double precision: area
9 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: depth
10 integer, dimension(4):: nodeid_arr
11 double precision:: depth_interpolated
12 double precision, dimension(4):: weights_arr
14 ! Opens CGNS file
15 call cg_iric_open("test.cgn", IRIC_MODE_MODIFY, fin, ier)
16 if (ier /=0) stop "*** Open error of CGNS file ***"
18 ! Opens the grid
19 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_open(fin, g_handle, ier)
21 ! Calculates the area of the cell
22 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_cellarea(g_handle, 1, area, ier)
24 ! Gets the number of nodes in the grid
25 call cg_iric_read_grid_nodecount(fin, nodecount, ier)
27 ! Allocate memory
28 allocate(depth(nodecount))
30 ! Gets the values of calculation result 'depth'
31 call cg_iric_read_sol_node_real(fin, 1, 'depth', depth, ier)
33 ! Gets the informationi to interpolate value at coordinates (10.8, 12.5)
34 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_interpolate(g_handle, 10.8, 12.5, ok, cellnodecount, nodeid_arr, weights_arr)
36 ! Calculates the interpolated value of depth at coordinates (10.8, 12.5)
37 depth_interpolated = 0
38 do i = 1, cellnodecount
39 depth_interpolated = depth_interpolated + depth(nodeid_arr(i)) * weights_arr(i)
40 end do
42 ! Closes the grid
43 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_close(g_handle, ier)
45 deallocate(depth)
46 stop
47end program TestX