Reading boundary conditions

Reads boundary conditions from CGNS file.

Table 64 Subroutine to use




Reads the number of boundary condition


Reads the number of nodes (or cells) where boundary condition is assigned.


Reads the indices of nodes (or cells) where boundary condition is assigned.


Reads a integer boundary condition value


Reads a double-precision real boundary condition value


Reads a single-precision real boundary condition value


Reads a string-type boundary condition value


Reads a functional-type boundary condition value


Reads a functional-type boundary condition value


Reads a functional-type boundary condition value (with multiple values)

You can define multiple boundary conditions with the same type, to one grid. For example, you can define multiple inflows to a grid, and set discharge value for them independently.

List 96 shows an example to read boundary conditions. In this example the number of inflows is read by cg_iric_read_bc_count first, memories are allocated, and at last, the values are loaded.

The name of boundary condition user specifys on iRIC GUI can be loaded using cg_iric_read_bc_string. Please refer to 6.4.48 for detail.

List 96 Example of source code to read boundary conditions
 1program Sample8
 2  use iric
 3  implicit none
 5  integer:: fin, ier, isize, jsize, ksize, i, j, k, aret
 6  integer:: condid, indexid
 7  integer:: condcount, indexlenmax, funcsizemax
 8  integer:: tmplen
 9  integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: condindexlen
10  integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: condindices
11  integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: intparam
12  double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: realparam
13  character(len=200), dimension(:), allocatable:: stringparam
14  character(len=200):: tmpstr
15  integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: func_size
16  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: func_param;
17  double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: func_value;
19  ! Opens CGNS file
20  call cg_iric_open('bctest.cgn', IRIC_MODE_MODIFY, fin, ier)
21  if (ier /=0) STOP "*** Open error of CGNS file ***"
23  ! Initializes iRIClib
24  call cg_iric_init(fin, ier)
25  if (ier /=0) STOP "*** Initialize error of CGNS file ***"
27  ! Reads the number of inflows
28  call cg_iric_read_bc_count(fin, 'inflow', condcount)
29  ! Allocate memory to load parameters
30  allocate(condindexlen(condcount), intparam(condcount), realparam(condcount))
31  allocate(stringparam(condcount), func_size(condcount))
32  print *, 'condcount ', condcount
34  ! Reads the number of grid node indices where boundary condition is assigned, and the size of functional-type condition.
35  indexlenmax = 0
36  funcsizemax = 0
37  do condid = 1, condcount
38    call cg_iric_read_bc_indicessize(fin, 'inflow', condid, condindexlen(condid), ier)
39    if (indexlenmax < condindexlen(condid)) then
40      indexlenmax = condindexlen(condid)
41    end if
42    call cg_iric_read_bc_functionalsize(fin, 'inflow', condid, 'funcparam', func_size(condid), ier);
43    if (funcsizemax < func_size(condid)) then
44      funcsizemax = func_size(condid)
45    end if
46  end do
48  ! Allocates memory to load grid node indices and functional-type boundary condition
49  allocate(condindices(condcount, 2, indexlenmax))
50  allocate(func_param(condcount, funcsizemax), func_value(condcount, funcsizemax))
51  ! Loads indices and boundary condition
52  do condid = 1, condcount
53    call cg_iric_read_bc_indices(fin, 'inflow', condid, condindices(condid:condid,:,:), ier)
54    call cg_iric_read_bc_integer(fin, 'inflow', condid, 'intparam', intparam(condid:condid), ier)
55    call cg_iric_read_bc_real(fin, 'inflow', condid, 'realparam', realparam(condid:condid), ier)
56    call cg_iric_read_bc_string(fin, 'inflow', condid, 'stringparam', tmpstr, ier)
57    stringparam(condid) = tmpstr
58    call cg_iric_read_bc_functional(fin, 'inflow', condid, 'funcparam', func_param(condid:condid,:), func_value(condid:condid,:), ier)
59  end do
61  ! Displays the boundary condition loaded.
62  do condid = 1, condcount
63    do indexid = 1, condindexlen(condid)
64      print *, 'condindices ', condindices(condid:condid,:,indexid:indexid)
65    end do
66    print *, 'intparam ', intparam(condid:condid)
67    print *, 'realparam ', realparam(condid:condid)
68    print *, 'stringparam ', stringparam(condid)
69    print *, 'funcparam X ', func_param(condid:condid, 1:func_size(condid))
70    print *, 'funcparam Y ', func_value(condid:condid, 1:func_size(condid))
71  end do
73  ! Closes CGNS file
74  call cg_iric_close(fin, ier)
75  stop
76end program Sample8