Adding codes to load calculation conditions, calculation grids, and boundary conditions¶
Adds codes to load calculation conditions, calculation girds, and boundary conditions.
iRIC will output calculation conditions, grids, grid attributes, and boundary condition according to the solver definition file that you've created in Creating a solver definition file. So, the solver has to load them to coincide with the description in the solver definition file.
List 8 shows the source code with lines to load calculation condition, grid and boundary condition. The added lines are shown with highlight.
1program SampleProgram
2 use iric
3 implicit none
4 integer:: fin, ier
5 integer:: icount, istatus
6 character(200)::condFile
7 integer:: maxiterations
8 double precision:: timestep
9 integer:: surfacetype
10 double precision:: constantsurface
11 integer:: variable_surface_size
12 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: variable_surface_time
13 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: variable_surface_elevation
15 integer:: isize, jsize
16 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: grid_x, grid_y
17 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: elevation
18 integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: obstacle
20 integer:: inflowid
21 integer:: inflow_count
22 integer:: inflow_element_max
23 integer:: discharge_variable_sizemax
24 integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: inflow_element_count
25 integer, dimension(:,:,:), allocatable:: inflow_element
26 integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: discharge_type
27 double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: discharge_constant
28 integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: discharge_variable_size
29 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: discharge_variable_time
30 double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable:: discharge_variable_value
32 write(*,*) "Sample Program"
34 ! (abbr)
36 ! Loads calculation condition
37 call cg_iric_read_integer(fin, "maxIteretions", maxiterations, ier)
38 call cg_iric_read_real(fin, "timeStep", timestep, ier)
39 call cg_iric_read_integer(fin, "surfaceType", surfacetype, ier)
40 call cg_iric_read_real(fin, "constantSurface", constantsurface, ier)
42 call cg_iric_read_functionalsize(fin, "variableSurface", variable_surface_size, ier)
43 allocate(variable_surface_time(variable_surface_size))
44 allocate(variable_surface_elevation(variable_surface_size))
45 call cg_iric_read_functional(fin, "variableSurface", variable_surface_time, variable_surface_elevation, ier)
47 ! Check the grid size
48 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_str_size(fin, isize, jsize, ier)
50 ! Allocate the memory to read grid coordinates
51 allocate(grid_x(isize,jsize), grid_y(isize,jsize))
52 ! Loads grid coordinates
53 call cg_iric_read_grid2d_coords(fin, grid_x, grid_y, ier)
55 ! Allocate the memory to load grid attributes defined at grid nodes and grid cells
56 allocate(elevation(isize, jsize))
57 allocate(obstacle(isize - 1, jsize - 1))
59 ! Loads grid attributes
60 call cg_iric_read_grid_real_node(fin, "Elevation", elevation, ier)
61 call cg_iric_read_grid_integer_cell(fin, "Obstacle", obstacle, ier)
63 ! Allocate memory to load boundary conditions (inflow)
64 allocate(inflow_element_count(inflow_count))
65 allocate(discharge_type(inflow_count), discharge_constant(inflow_count))
66 allocate(discharge_variable_size(inflow_count))
68 ! Check the number of grid nodes assigned as inflow, and the size of time-dependent discharge.
69 inflow_element_max = 0
70 do inflowid = 1, inflow_count
71 ! Read the number of grid nodes assigned as inflow
72 call cg_iric_read_bc_indicessize(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, inflow_element_count(inflowid))
73 if (inflow_element_max < inflow_element_count(inflowid)) then
74 inflow_element_max = inflow_element_count(inflowid)
75 end if
76 ! Read the size of time-dependent discharge
77 call cg_iric_read_bc_functionalsize(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, 'FunctionalDischarge', discharge_variable_size(inflowid), ier);
78 if (discharge_variable_sizemax < discharge_variable_size(inflowid)) then
79 discharge_variable_sizemax = discharge_variable_size(inflowid)
80 end if
81 end do
83 ! Allocate the memory to load grid nodes assigned as inflow, and time-dependent discharge.
84 allocate(inflow_element(inflow_count, 2, inflow_element_max))
85 allocate(discharge_variable_time(inflow_count, discharge_variable_sizemax))
86 allocate(discharge_variable_value(inflow_count, discharge_variable_sizemax))
88 ! Loads boundary condition
89 do inflowid = 1, inflow_count
90 ! Loads the grid nodes assigned as inflow
91 call cg_iric_read_bc_indices(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, inflow_element(inflowid:inflowid,:,:), ier)
92 ! Loads the inflow type (0 = constant, 1 = time-dependent)
93 call cg_iric_read_bc_integer(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, 'Type', discharge_type(inflowid:inflowid), ier)
94 ! Loads the discharge (constant)
95 call cg_iric_read_bc_real(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, 'ConstantDischarge', discharge_constant(inflowid:inflowid), ier)
96 ! Loads the discharge (time-dependent)
97 call cg_iric_read_bc_functional(fin, 'inflow', inflowid, 'FunctionalDischarge', discharge_variable_time(inflowid:inflowid,:), discharge_variable_value(inflowid:inflowid,:), ier)
98 end do
100 ! Closes the calculation data file
101 call cg_iric_close(fin, ier)
102 stop
103end program SampleProgram
Note that the arguments passed to load calculation conditions, grid attributes and boundary conditions are the same to the [name] attributes of Items defined in Defining calculation conditions, Defining Grid attributes.
Refer to Examples of calculation conditions, boundary conditions, and grid generating condition for the relationship between definitions of calculation condition, grid attributes, boundary conditions and the iRIClib subroutines to load them.
Refer to Reading calculation conditions, Reading calculation grid and Reading boundary conditions for the detail of subroutines to load calculation condition, grids, and boundary conditions.