
Condition element contains information of a condition that must be met when a certain input item of calculation conditions become active.


List 61 Example of Condition definition 1
<Condition conditionType="isEqual" target="type" value="1" />
List 62 Example of Condition definition 2
<Condition conditionType="and">
  <Condition conditionType="isEqual" target="type" value="1" />
  <Condition conditionType="isEqual" target="inflow" value="0" />

Refer to ??? for other examples.


Table 13 Attributes of Condition
Name Value Required Description
conditionType Refer to the table below Yes Type of condition
target String Depends Name of the calculation condition to be compared with. Needs to be sconditionType Needs to be specified only if the conditionType value is none of "and", "or", "not".
value String Depends Value to be compared with. Needs to be sconditionType Needs to be specified only if the conditionType value is none of "and", "or", "not".
Table 14 conditionType values
Value Meaning
isEqual is equal to
isGreaterEqual is greater than or equal to
isGreaterThan is greater than
isLessEqual is less than or equal to
isLessThan is less than
and and
or or
not not

Child elements

Table 15 Child elements of Condition
Name Required Description
Condition Depends The condition to which the AND, OR or NOT operator is applied. Need to be specified only if the conditionType value is one of the following: