Complex Type


List 111 Example of a complex type grid attribute
 1<Item name="vegetation" caption="Vagetation">
 2  <Definition valueType="complex" position="cell">
 3    <Item name="type" caption="Type">
 4      <Definition valueType="integer" option="true" default="1">
 5        <Enumerations>
 6          <Enumeration value="0" caption="No vegetation"/>
 7          <Enumeration value="1" caption="Vegetation"/>
 8        </Enumerations>
 9      </Definition>
10    </Item>
11    <Item name="density" caption="Vegetation density">
12      <Definition valueType="real" default="0">
13        <Condition type="isEqual" target="type" value="1"/>
14      </Definition>
15    </Item>
16  </Definition>

Display example


Figure 67 Example of complex type grid attribute defined at cells


Figure 68 Dialog to edit value of complex type grid attribute defined at cells


Figure 69 Dialog to edit groups of complex type grid attribute defined at cells

Example code to read data


List 112 Code example to load a complex type grid attribute defined at cells FORTRAN
 1integer:: ier, cellcount, vegetation_groupcount
 2integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: vegetation
 3integer, dimension(:), allocatable:: vegetation_type
 4double precision, dimension(:), allocatable:: vegetation_density
 5integer:: i
 7! Read the number of cells
 8call cg_iRIC_Read_Grid_CellCount(fid, cellcount, ier)
 9! Allocate memory
11! Load values at each cell into the allocated memory
12call cg_iRIC_Read_Grid_Complex_Cell(fid, "vegetation", vegetation, ier)
14! Read the number of groups
15call cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Count(fid, "vegetation", vegetation_groupcount, ier)
16! Allocate memory
19! Load data to allocated memory
20do i = 1, vegetation_groupcount
21  call cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Integer(fid, "vegetation", "type", vegetation_type(i), ier)
22  call cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Real(fid, "vegetation", "density", vegetation_density(i), ier)
23end do


List 113 Code example to load a complex type grid attribute defined at cells C++
 1int ier, cellcount, vegetation_groupcount;
 2std::vector<int> vegetation;
 3std::vector<int> vegetation_type;
 4std::vector<double> vegetation_density;
 6// Read the number of cells
 7ier = cg_iRIC_Read_Grid_CellCount(fid, &cellcount);
 8// Allocate memory
 9vegetation.assign(cellcount, 0);
10// Load values at each cell into the allocated memory
11ier = cg_iRIC_Read_Grid_Complex_Cell(fid, "vegetation",;
13// Read the number of groups
14ier = cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Count(fid, "vegetation", &vegetation_groupcount);
15// Allocate memory
16vegetation_type.assign(vegetation_groupcount, 0);
17vegetation_density.assign(vegetation_groupcount, 0);
18// Load data to allocated memory
19for (int i = 0; i < vegetation_groupcount; ++i) {
20  ier = cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Integer(fid, "vegetation", "type", &vegetation_type[i]);
21  ier = cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Real(fid, "vegetation", "density", &vegetation_density[i]);


List 114 Code example to load a complex type grid attribute defined at cells Python
 1# Load values at each cell
 2vegetation = cg_iRIC_Read_Grid_Complex_Cell(fid, "vegetation")
 4# Read the number of groups
 5vegetation_groupcount = cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Count(fid, "vegetation")
 6# Prepare list
 7vegetation_type = list()
 8vegetation_density = list()
10for i in range(vegetation_groupcount):
11  vegetation_type.append(cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Integer(fid, "vegetation", "type"))
12  vegetation_density.append(cg_iRIC_Read_Complex_Real(fid, "vegetation", "density"))