File name (for reading)

List 29 Example of a file name type (for reading) condition definition
1<Item name="flowdatafile" caption="Flow data file">
2  <Definition valueType="filename" default="flow.dat" />

Figure 50 Widget example of a file name (for reading) type condition

List 30 Code example to load a file name (for reading) type condition (for calculation conditions and grid generating conditions)
1integer:: ier
2character(200):: flowdatafile
4call cg_iric_read_string(fid, "flowdatafile", flowdatafile, ier)
List 31 Code example to load a file name (for reading) type condition (for boundary conditions)
1integer:: ier
2character(200):: flowdatafile
4call cg_iric_read_bc_string(fid, "inflow", 1, "flowdatafile", flowdatafile, ier)