Defining basic information

Define basic information of a solver. Create a file with the content shown in List 1, and save it with name "definition.xml" under "example" folder that you created in Creating a folder

List 1 Example solver definition file that contains basic information
 1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 3  name="samplesolver"
 4  caption="Sample Solver 1.0"
 5  version="1.0"
 6  copyright="Example Company"
 7  release="2012.04.01"
 8  homepage=""
 9  executable="solver.exe"
10  iterationtype="time"
11  gridtype="structured2d"
13  <CalculationCondition>
14  </CalculationCondition>
15  <GridRelatedCondition>
16  </GridRelatedCondition>

At this point, the structure of the solver definition file is as shown in Figure 2.


Figure 2 Solver definition file structure

Now make sure the solver definition file is arranged correctly.

Launch iRIC. The [iRIC Start Page] dialog ( Figure 3 ) is shown, so please click on [New Project]. The [Solver Select] dialog (Figure 4 ) will open, so make sure if there is a new item "Sample Solver" in the solver list. When you find it, select it and make sure that the basic information of the solver you wrote in solver definition file is shown.

Please note that the following attributes are not shown on this dialog:

  • name

  • executable

  • iterationtype

  • gridtype


Figure 3 The [iRIC Start Page] dialog


Figure 4 The [Select Solver] dialog

You sould take care about name attribute and version attribute, when you want to update a solver. Please refer to Notes on solver version up for the detail.