
  • Reads the value of a string-type variable from the CGNS file.

Format (FORTRAN)

call cg_iric_read_integer_f(type, num, label, intvalue, ier)

Format (C/C++)

ier = cg_iRIC_Read_BC_Integer(type, num, name, &value);

Format (Python)

value = cg_iRIC_Read_BC_Integer(type, num, name)


Table 128 Arguments of cg_iric_read_bc_integer_f
Variable name Type I/O Description
type character(*) I Name of boundary condition
num integer I Boundary condition number
label character(*) I Name of the boundary condition variable defined in the solver definition file
intvalue integer O Integer read from the CGSN file
ier integer O Error code. 0 means success.