
In this section, functions, formats, arguments of each function is explained.

In each page for functions, the data type of arguments are described for FORTRAN. For data type of arguments in C/C++ and Python, please refer to Table 80.

Please note that in Python, ier (that stores the error code) is not output, and exception is thrown instead, if error occurs. To impelement error handling, please use try-except expression.

Table 80 Relathionship between argument data type
FORTRAN C/C++ Python
integer int (int* for output) int
double precision double (double* for output) float
real float (float* for output)
character(*) char* str
integer, dimension(:), allocatable int* numpy.ndarray(dtype=int32)
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable double* numpy.ndarray(dtype=float64)
real, dimension(:), allocatable float*